Search Services
Individual Debtor
Business Debtor
Registration Number
Serial Number
Document Copies
Other Services
Party Code
Registration History
Contact Us
Land Titles Online
Plan Deposit Submission
Title Check
Account, Fees, and Payment

Personal Property Registry

Collection of Information
Personal information about you is collected for the purpose of registrations of financing statements under the authority of The Personal Property Security Act and any other Act that are permitted or required to be made in the Personal Property Registry.

Personal information is protected by the protection of privacy provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

If you have any questions about the collection of personal information, contact the Registrar of Personal Property Security:

Personal Property Registry
500-200 Graham Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3C 4L5

1 (844) 737-5684 (toll free)

Search Services

The following search services are available to allow searching of information online according to certain criteria. Each search provides the option to request a printed search result.

Individual Debtor - Obtain all registrations related to a specific individual debtor.

Business Debtor - Obtain all registrations related to a specific business debtor.

Registration Number - Obtain the details of a registration by registration number.

Serial Number - Obtain all registrations related to a specific serial number.

Document Copies - Request a copy of any printed registered documents.

Other Services

The following other services are available online.

Fees - Look up fees for any Personal Property Registry service.

Party Code - A party code allows secured parties, registering agents and searchers to enter name, address and distribution information quickly and consistently on most forms where this information is required (party codes cannot be used to enter debtor information). It also allows for secured parties or their agents to effect a global secured party name and/or address change of multiple registrations with a single request (Global Change).

Registration History - Obtain more detailed information about specific registration changes ("amendments"). Any registrations or changes that were not filed electronically cannot be viewed online.

Contact Us - Send special inquiries or requests to the Personal Property Registry office.
